Google Gravity

Pernahkah Anda Melihat Tampilan Google Acak-Acakan ? (lihat contoh gambar diatas)
Inginkah anda mencoba .. ? jawabannya "harus"!
karena sangat di sayang kan kalau anda tidak mencoba!

ok! ikuti aba2 dari saya :

1.Buka google
2.Tulis   google gravity
3.kemudian klik I'm Feeling Lucky  atau  Saya Lagi Beruntung
4.tunggu beberapa saat dan lihat hasilnya!

cara lain :
anda bisa langsung ke GOOGLE ini
Selamat Mencoba

7 komentar:

Deep web links mengatakan...

Zerg rush doesn't work anymoreEdit: Sorry my bad I used Im feeling lucky instead of Google Search
Regards deepweb darkweb

Terima kasih Untuk Komentar Mas Bro Pada Artikel Ini... Admin Planet-Cybers
Casino Sites mengatakan...

Holy shit I diddn't realise everyone in the comments think these are 'Google tricks'. All the 'I'm feeling lucky' button does is go to the 1st website link. Most of these link to external pages.

Terima kasih Untuk Komentar Mas Bro Pada Artikel Ini... Admin Planet-Cybers
Ashley Jones mengatakan...

This is so awesome! I never knew this could be done. Googlism sounds like great fun as well. I’ll have to try this out the next time I have friends over. Something else to distract me when I’m working online – jokes! We all need a distraction once in a while.

Terima kasih Untuk Komentar Mas Bro Pada Artikel Ini... Admin Planet-Cybers
Harold Burton mengatakan...

it works for me in both Firefox and Safari, of course, that depends on what you mean by "it works." I couldn't use it as a search engine, so I don't know how someone got here from there, but it did live up to its name.
Harold Burton

Terima kasih Untuk Komentar Mas Bro Pada Artikel Ini... Admin Planet-Cybers
Kelly Hubbard mengatakan...

Nice tricks and good that you also added a video demonstartion.Dont think me wrong,when you speak / write about technical stuffs i would like to see a video as u did here if possible.It just simply paints the picture perfectly.U know what i mean.Cheers.Keep it up.
Holly Hooper

Terima kasih Untuk Komentar Mas Bro Pada Artikel Ini... Admin Planet-Cybers
aadi mengatakan...

Jayme SilvestriHey…whenever i type anything to perform the tricks the button i am feeling lucky vanishes? How do i perform the tricks?

Terima kasih Untuk Komentar Mas Bro Pada Artikel Ini... Admin Planet-Cybers
Anonim mengatakan...

Actually for the chuck norris one you have t hit im feeling lucky and it pops up a page with no search results.
Paul Brown

Terima kasih Untuk Komentar Mas Bro Pada Artikel Ini... Admin Planet-Cybers

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